The day of salvation is near
Hard to believe isn't it .Its like they are on drugs or somethin . some new religion . The ink is just dry on the ozone layer disaster and the sky is falling again . The situation is said to be so serious the Powers that be need to act straight away . "the day of salvation is today - thursday - if we don't act its disaster; things will melt irrevocably" said john feine in response to his well groomed waste audit guest this morning . toomorrow THE SUMMIT .its hot and we must find a way to cool down quickly The media are not alone in drumming the beat along . Polys this week will be willingly giving away powers that are not really their own to others who have no right to own them --- and why ?----to hold up the sky and produce more water . I don't think so . In my very limited experience , most of the things polys build tend to fall over. More stranger still --how did they all get the idea that big is better and they can do things about the weather - are they...