"You poor bastard" They may not say it, but too many think it .
This is a call to our fellow Austrailans to stop patronising us , and start supporting systems of sustainable land management - those who look after their country and their food supplies.

From our point of view , poverty is one thing, but predjudice is worse!. It' s very tough when our passions are treated with patronising predjudice. The lack of respect for rural custodians seems to be growing, perhaps even with the best of intentions.
Successful city folks have always pondered the pennypinching aspects of paradigms of those involved in ecosyetem management. This is not new - and neither is the FACT that the blinkered view of complex ecomanagmenet is wrong to impose the monocultural madness of quick fix on us--- it doesn't workout here - big dollars are wasted when they could do some good if our system of economy was respected . Low return to capital is not only right -its best practice policy!
Decade upon decade, the cities quick fixers now still make the same mistake of presumming what works in their world ,works in ours -
Here's the rub They don't KNOW our world !Our world is full of diversity and the need for genuine care -many inexperineced players still need to learn to put mind in gear when they say one and not the other! respect too for those who know how to mnage complex ecosystems.
Our role
We manage something extremely complex and sensitive: we generally get paid a pittance to do so and have to still do it well despite the real risk of personal loss (got that -its been happening for centuries) ; All hell can break loose when some camera or untrained eye thinks we have failed to look after the delicate diversity of ecosystems we manage. And once the city has got the idea we are " doing the wrong thing" no amount of calls to the progressives in the media will change the halftruth now become fact . We need honest friends - not careless armchair critics and .....worse still patronising half baked imperatives !-----http:/fairgomate.blogspot.com

The simpletons phrase "Pay peanuts , get monkeys "also ignores the fact that much public service is/was done out of passion - often unpaid passion for the work/ area of custody . There is more to life and our world than the paradigm of the big box and the factory .
Mr Jeffrey Kennett's careless cancerous legacy in legitimating this simple predjudice ,while it continues, will continue to blow out budgets newagenightingales.blogspot

The other half of the story can be "pay peanuts and you may find whose worth paying ".
thats us = we have a good track record in making an investment dollar go further !!!!


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