Miners ,Gamblers and Steers in a good paddock

Nothing creates better mental health than a trip outside.  If you're a miner or a speculator , be  a steer  for a day .  You WILL see things differently away from the moving coloured  screens that fake the real world and trick those who spend too much time in front of them . If we have a spare dollar out here , we put it where it pays reliable dividends . We don't have enough spare dollars to gamble with them either .We are all blessed here, not because we are better by nature,  but just by being here and taking in the bounty

Steers go a bit mad at this time of year;  running around the boundaries and looking for amusement . They are prepared to gamble . To run at a fence or run at a whim. They lose what spare energy they have in games
Driving across the huge expanse of western plains yesterday ( takes a whole day to go across it) we noted how the sheep and cattle were largely looking after themselves ,  fattening themselves up for market without a care in the world or a manager in sight.  The gold was everywhere -Abundant and undervalued. What a great day we had .

Australia's gambling problem  grows not on scarcity but on perceived scarcity . Australia's gambling problem  grows not on scarcity but on abundance;  an abundance of loud coloured trinkets and imitations .  Just saying gambling is wrong is not enough when the TV tells you nothing about real treasure . The rogue growth agent may be tied down with chains( eg  on how much one can spend) but the mother of the problem is always in heat . The grass may appear  greener on the other side , but you have enough where you are- you just have to see that .
Many of those increasing numbers of Australasian who think they are poor when they are rich may benefit from going outside to where the grass is .

We can't afford unproductivity out here - our margins are always tight . We know the value of a dollar.  We are , paradoxically , freed form letting such encouragement to buy unproductive trinkets get to us . We celebrate renewable gold and we invest any spare cash back into the cow so carelessly called "cash " ,
We aren't still looking for productive investment because we know what it looks like -Water and grass that recycles itself through milk butter cream and icecream. A spare dollar into the fertilizer box yields 10 out every time.

The old quick buck miners though are everywhere and everywhere exploiting those who listen to them. They tell us that  growth in our economy and the value of our houses is paramount when it not -  the miners confuse the real value and price on scarcity and rarity . The noise they emit is huge, the clarity and sustainability they offer compares to a drip feed .
The reality is that most Aussies have too much grass and grain to notice its gold like qualities. They have been led by those coloured screens to think that only what you can accumulate and corner in  the market is valuable - and we should all chase it.

People in Aldi  in town were complaining about the cost of food and then wandering off to the huge crowds in the cheapy shops next door to spend the SPARE cash they clearly had. Urbanites have more cash than we have but their careless logic suggests they know little about value  . Its clear from the conversation that no amount of  cash would ever be enough . They don't have gold because they don't know what gold is?
We day trippers discussed how Australians,  at their worst,  are just like gold diggers. A desperate and myopic view of value . Without thinking, they think that  price determines value - we know that in the bank while  scarcity and abundance will influence price , S&A don't really determine the value  .We invest in capital

Our economic miners  exploit us without thinking about it . We drove past our modern slaves  who milk 250 cows twice each day and have never taken a decent holiday in their lives . Just keeping the white stuff seperate from the green stuff took 60 hours a week for wages that no one in the city ever accepts . I shared how this blokes father milked only 20 cows back home in Europe , put 4 kids through uni and took 4 weeks holiday each year .  

Driving for hours through the long grass ,we talked about how rich people in Victoria had for its early decades treated food producers as peasants to be exploited , and how miners  were driving us back there in the new millennium.And WE want to tell the Europeans about the beauty of free trade ( Julia's new love talk this week) ;  beautiful ONLY if you are just milking the cow

We talked about how miners think God blesses only the most efficient and controlling . They forget that God is gracious enough to even provide cheap food for even those who don't deserve it . HOw is it that some gold is nearly free. We know about water

 The miners  may have something shiny and yellow,  but do they really have and know what's valuable ?

And how much too , is enough ? Those who focus on getting something for nothing , who see value in hoarding whats rare or who have to get everything they want when they want it  are still missing out . Gambling is a sure sign of still being unsatisfied--- of not having enough; not seeing that you already have enough ..and more.
Mental illness abounds


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