Better ways to support those who feed us

Hi - thanks for listening mate ! Many of us have known for a long time that we can't  just keep complainin  - besides you have your complaints  too... eh!   . We do it, but we kick oursleves ( picture) for doing it -besides we try too hard sometimes . We know it , you know it .  It hurts though ! OUCH

We won't get any relief from some of our suffering by just complaining - or by getting others to complain for us .You don't know how  many of the above falls are self imposed - us pushing the animal or the pnats too hard .
One of the main reasons we can't rely on the voices of others is this : Those who would speak for us , people who really know our deep dilemmas,who are close to us , are getting less and less . ( Over 90% of Aussies live in cities and eat very cheap food . see how Vic govt are demolishing advisory services of merit right now. The loss of regional services of merit is something governments in their ignorance have engineered .
 Social media ( FB ) can be helpful,  but all readers must realise that immediate responses ( even "feel for you ") are very important because most farmers I know in Australia are under more stress than they used to be under ; farmers are in a relative " notalk " mode ( see  Psychologists listing - its  below where people ARE prepared to "open up easily" )
I am also suggesting you read , visit and post and bookmark pieces on blogsites so you learn more about some of the complexities that occupy the boundaries of  agroecosystems and the simple but inappropraite  models of modern economic progress worshiped and adored as gospel to all .( the vast majority of people)

Avoid patronising US
You see most farmers are conservationists, which makes them counterculturalists.  Let me tell you something that comes from deep within the rural community ( not the city cause its not deep there - sorry!) It's not easy being green .
Unfortunately in rural areas there is too much silence ( not many farmers have time for FB) and it's not because there is no suffering . One thing that hits you severely as a friend and eco advisor to those who feed us is what I would describe as the antifacebook factor AFB.( applies to emails too!)

AFB is about things you can't talk about not because they are too hard ( we wouldn't be here if we weren't tough) but if you do try to talk about the avoidable tragedy of government meddling or "screw you jack" policies , the listeners patronise you .  Bad seasons you can handle , but not the growing dumb simplistic governanance and false faiths that surround us if we do talk  .

I will post some more details later so you TOO can  follow through.
Meanwhile join the movement started by young people to
  1. Pay a bit more for the local or specific use product ( margins make all the difference to those who margins ( between cost and profit ) are often very low . Eg margin for between profit and loss  for milk at the moment is less that )$0.10 a litre. 10 cents can mean you can help give a farmer a holiday 
  2.  Not buy bottled water ( ask questions if you are not sure why!) 
  3.  Read , visit , bookmark storytelling  pieces on blogsites ( one way to get a more complete picture) 
  4. Don't rely on government or the media - to do things ( They don't really know that much about that - they can be very" trying" though ,,,,,,,and that's dangerous ) I been there !!
  5. Create links with other groups who will resist knee jerk governance.( Actions which talk about corruption without really knowing how it will work , government behaviour courts paid for by taxpayer are reactive , highly judgemental, remote  or are overly regulatory and reactionary .    

Thanks again for listening
( Questions very welcome  )


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