Please use the word Resilience more carefully

re My love hate relationship with Landline ABCTV 
and lesser extent Quantum and even now RN rural ( sad to say!)

While they,  like the ABC generally ( as real lifelines for rural people) do some good reporting, they ONLY do it  when they stick to reporting ( recording real authors).
Embedding is for those who live with and in and beside -who know their land as well or better than the farmers  do ;  quote them and quote them carefully . More importantly make sure they exist in Country towns . Find them----- they are as rare as real farmers
These competent people don't have to be psychologists ;  I have listed their qualifications above , If Greenies were to embed themselves the shallowness and disrespect for the diversity and depth of land and ecology understanding wouldn't be so evident to those on the ground.Many farmers are in no talk land and it isn't because they don't have people to talk to - because those that do talk, talk carelessly ( seeTelecom 2000 report on maladaptive tendencies in the telecom age  ). even worse the city seems to care more about the token animal tahn the people out here - Whatever you say , please just make sure your claim to "unsustainable" or "endangered" or even " resilient " really sticks ( happy to back anyone who does their homework on this )
  1. Do not try to embed yourselves in a week or a day but support those outsiders to primary industry producers who are embedded in in all week every week  we need more real environmental experts out in the bush ( sorry they cost a lot to retain and keep like doctors)
  2. Use word resilience more carefully ,We are elastic, but elastic can easily break  Yes my clients show,  like land  does , great elasticity but if stretched by false hope ( new technology ) or political brilliance in environment  the elasticity can't last  .You do break us with all your talk ( Sorry but true)  - whether you know it or not you are NOT  on-farm advisers - you are less careful about tricks to make more money and be more sustainable.   The cities great interest in solving our problems is not matched by a commitment to actually doing that .( not anymore - it once was ) . this is not just your problem but OUR problem : you can support people who are more effective than you 

    I am posting this because recent events in the excalation of the war in Iraq and Syria demonstrate that we in the west STILL do not understand the difference between a technical solution and a human solution ----let alone a combination of both. 
Some great stories this week,  all the same .1  the NT cook who post great pictures . 2 The Minister for Ag who knows his portfolio ( sugar energy and unsustainable investments ).We need help but we need understanding more .


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