You don't get it doya

The three amigos ( Sinclair, Anthony and Nixon   )
 featured on a wonderful  reflection on the history of the Country Party in Australia this week. They were found , not reveling in their achievements or bemoaning their lack of influence,  but back in the garden ;their farms .
Heather Ewart's series should be shown around the world -----its that good and such good therapy about the things that matter .Its a long way from the shallow pedant ridden world of political games and rhetoric.
There is something magical about the opportunity to manage the land .The rewards are there despite the external contradictions .
The most potent part of that wonder is the fact that even though these three ( and their constituency) did much to keep us on track and in the black , they still accept a pittance for payment .

Yes the rats can love the treadmill of the modern economic machine to death,,,
but somethings missing . we have lots of things and are ,in that numbers sense, rich; Something about the modern ideal is not working . In our blindness and arrogance about capital and income growth we have taken the boat and missed the sailing ship to real prosperity.

Every country needs a Country Party and a political philosophy that DOES not give in to the dominant crap that fixates itself on mere efficiency .Where are the people going to come from?
My local branch hasn't met for 6 years.  Potential members are too busy and know that the political process venerated by the masses just basically ignores their unique view of  economics and ecology .


Little John said…
Didn't you love how Barnaby Joyce pulled a fast one on Johnny Depp this week ( on his dogs at least ) . We need to remember the tough when next threatened by what only looks like a tough piece of work
journeymanj said…
Farmers who tell you they feel undervalued and misunderstood are doing OK. Most farmers don't bother to tell you anything because without being with us you would never understand . No city person should speak authoritatively about their situation you are just as likely to patronise them - insisting without saying that " you just need to be more efficient' ( this bullshit ignores the fact that Farmers are the most innovative people in the country - another reason for them to promote their place in economic life eg Trundle Abba festivals ,lucky ducks, refugee support ) . This means they die inside and before long they die completely. Don't ever think you are helping with suicide prevention if you don't accept they know you the city DON"T Make enough effort to really understand when you insist in prices are DOWN theology .
Little John said…
Barnaby and Abbott did a great job this cold morning ( release of the white paper) to remind us of the paradoxes of living well and what it costs and how it benefits the community -- cold and warmth come together in cream . Less obvious to many is our leaders determination to make environmental risk management more accountable and responsible ( so farmers are not suffering the mental stress of others ignorant worry, shallow sentiment and "production is everything" doctrines ) by reducing the long arm of unreason,ignorance and panic from Canberra and city centric media . The Libs in this area model the essence of good governent; The opposition have lost sight of it; The Greens only think they know , but are not there to know, as usual.
Little John said…
Barnaby and Abbott did a great job this cold morning ( release of the white paper) to remind us of the paradoxes of living well and what it costs and how it benefits the community -- cold and warmth come together in cream . Less obvious to many is our leaders determination to make environmental risk management more accountable and responsible ( so farmers are not suffering the mental stress of others ignorant worry, shallow sentiment and "production is everything" doctrines ) by reducing the long arm of unreason,ignorance and panic from Canberra and city centric media . The Libs in this area model the essence of good governent; The opposition have lost sight of it; The Greens only think they know , but are not there to know, as usual.
Little John said…
Barnaby and Abbott did a great job this cold morning (release of the white paper) to remind us of the paradoxes of living well and what it costs and how it benefits the community -- cold and warmth come together in cream . Less obvious to many is our leaders determination to make environmental risk management more accountable and responsible ( so farmers are not suffering the mental stress of others ignorant worry,shallow sentiment and "production is everything" doctrines ) by reducing the long arm of unreason,ignorance and panic from Canberra and city centric media. The Libs in this area model the essence of good government; The opposition have lost sight of it; The Greens only think they know , but are not there to know, as usual.
Little John said…
Barnaby and Abbott did a great job this cold morning ( release of the white paper) to remind us of the paradoxes of living well and what it costs and how it benefits the community -- cold and warmth come together in cream . Less obvious to many is our leaders determination to make environmental risk management more accountable and responsible ( so farmers are not suffering the mental stress of others ignorant worry, shallow sentiment and "production is everything" doctrines ) by reducing the long arm of unreason,ignorance and panic from Canberra and city centric media . The Libs in this area model the essence of good governent; The opposition have lost sight of it; The Greens only think they know , but are not there to know, as usual.

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