
Showing posts from May, 2004
Realistic views of the future? One thing I can't fathom is this talk that Bob Brown knows where he is going. He's a realist? By watching TV many of my city cousins think they know whats good for the country . And more than us. we country folks area supposed to be too close to the issues or just " doing the wrong thing by being here", or somethin "We can get all our sugar and milk cheaper from brazil", and the market knows better than any mind !" I think we might have left our minds behind here , maybe ? What now boys? I guess that means that we should all move to the city, eat possums and live in bark huts. sorry but can't use bark apparently bark is a timber product. thats not allowed !
M1 Did you hear that Bob katter hasn't even got a passport? According to city folks that means we are dumb we don't know what we are talking about on economic matters! M2 Rather my money with you mate than with them !