Feet of Clay
I don't about You but sometimes a really wet paddock looks more beautiful than anything else in the world . Others may see only the bogging , the seed and fuel costs ---but we see the harvest:The potential harvest .It may not come , It could all be ruined though you know , by a frost , not enough spring rain or hail or mice ......or nematodes WE don't need leactures on leadership . If we didn't get out there and take risks everyday ,noone would be fed ! YET We see the problem of WEAK LEADERSHIP in Europe today and everyday . Breakthrough means we have a"new " look but its the "old look"( talking tough like good household leadership ) Good news for the moment is all the press concern themselves with . Faith in progress per se is now outdated simply because change for changes sake doesn't work ( its suits retailers and the ad indsutry but what thinking person believes them ?) . What works is hope based on knowledge ( not on fear like the citi...