I love ducks, don't you ?
They are so innocent . Like kids, pity they don't stay that way . Notice there is a bit of duck shoving going on and the lineup is getting a big ragged at the back .Some one' striying to pass , scamble up the ladder , jump the queue , so what's new eh ?. The good thing is that following mother duck is good .Following some duck who doesn't know where they going is not using the brains your mother and father gave you . Don't be just a dumb duck -More on duckshoving here " We're listening mum " they are saying . Yeah sure, yeah sure you are . They may look like they are listening and following your lead but that untidy que at the back . Reminds me of that truly great saying about the truth of love and hate "I love my kids, it's what they do I can't stand. Its what they DO I hate " . Go on get a bit angry if you have been playing dumbducks as a mature person. Then you might decide to leave the adult dumb ducks brigade that keep...